Penetration Testing

At Security Centric, we specialise in Australia's most comprehensive and thorough penetration testing services.

Based in Sydney, and serving organisations across Australia, our highly qualified team of 35+ ethical hacking experts tailor pen testing to your specific requirements. 

  • Advanced pen testing, security and vulnerability assessments for applications, networks, softwares, infrastructure & more.
  • Unmatched capabilities from Australian testers to identify gaps and secure your systems from data breaches. 
  • Speak to an expert for obligation free advice and guidance and get your quote today.
Cyber Security Analyst v2

Security Centric is a trusted pen testing partner to leading organisations across Australia.

Our Penetration Testing Services

We provide comprehensive Penetration Testing services using a range of tools and manual techniques. We simulate realistic attacks to be able to deliver in-depth assessments for all types of applications, networks, infrastructure or systems and provide expert advice to improve your security posture. 

Web Application Penetration Testing

In-depth assessment of your critical web applications. Web Application Penetration testing evaluates the security posture of an application across the development life cycle, enabling you to identify, eliminate, and prevent security risks in the applications that drive your business.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Mobile applications are universal and are often used to access sensitive information and functionality. These applications can be vulnerable to attack, often sharing security holes with their web counterparts. Mobile application penetration testing will comprehensively assess your mobile application for vulnerabilities across Android and iOS deployments.

External Network Penetration Testing

A pre-arranged attack against an organisation’s Internet-facing systems, networks or applications with a specified goal in mind. Typically, the goal is to gain unauthorised access to data or resources by circumventing controls that are in place.

Internal Network Penetration Testing

Not be confused with a simple network vulnerability scan, a good internal test involves manual testing, scanning and exploitation. Our skilled testers often chain exploits to achieve specific goals, such as compromising Active Directory, accessing sensitive personal information, or targeting other “crown jewels” such as HR or Payroll systems

Web Services/API Penetration Testing

Web services or APIs allow applications to expose programmatic interfaces that can be used by other integrated applications.  As APIs often enable direct access to sensitive back-end systems, it is critical that your exposed endpoints are assessed with the same level of scrutiny as the front end web application.

Cloud Security Penetration Testing

Organisations are realising the benefits of moving infrastructure and services to the cloud however they often do not fully understand the security implications of doing so. A cloud technical security assessment will identify deficiencies in cloud security architecture, identify vulnerabilities in applications and provide recommendations to improve security of the cloud system.

Wireless Security Penetration Testing

Wireless networks are an extension of your organisation's infrastructure perimeter and should be tested thoroughly. While their use eases the job of networking and connecting computers, it is also easy for a malicious perpetrator to get into the network over wireless infrastructure.

Social Engineering Assessment

People are often the weakest link in security. As a result of busy workdays coupled with improper training, people can often be manipulated into providing access to bad actors or giving away sensitive information. Including social engineering as part of any penetration test can provide insight into the real threats posed by external attackers.


Our vulnerability scanning service identifies threats to your assets through automated, and regularly scheduled scans of both your external, and internal systems.

Red-Team Security

Our certified testers will perform an end-to-end comprehensive manual audit on your systems to identify, test and assess the security protocols in place to ensure they have been implemented correctly and are operating as intended.


We use a range of tools to scan, test and identify all the security vulnerabilities in your systems. We take this a step further by manually verifying these vulnerabilities to ensure there are no false positives being reported on your systems security.

Get a free consultation with our experts!

Speak to our team today to book your next penetration test, or discuss what you require with our qualified experts.

Our Penetration Testing Process


Information Gathering

Our team will gather information about your systems, business processes, how information is handled and the supporting technologies that are used to build your app, network and systems to get a holistic understanding of the entire scope.



With the necessary information about your current app, network or systems, our team will identify the threats that you are most likely to face.



Our certified experts will employ a range of manual and automated techniques to exploit your apps, networks or systems to assess how well protected they are. 



We will detail our findings in a comprehensive report that will show the risks assorted in priority with a defined list of recommended actions to strengthen your defences. 


Workshop & Remediation

After we report our findings, we organise a workshop with you and your team to take you through the identified vulnerabilities and give you a clear understanding of what to fix. Once you have rectified any vulnerabilities, we perform remediation validation testing to ensure it has been fixed. 

Get a free consultation with our experts!

Speak to our team today to book your next penetration test, or discuss what you require with our qualified experts.

Our Qualifications

Council of Registered Ethical Security Testers

CREST Approved companies and their CREST Certified staff, with proven technical capabilities and a commitment to integrity and high-quality service, are the natural choice in information security testing providers.

Offensive Security Certified Expert

OSCE is the most challenging penetration testing certification in the industry. It proves a practical understanding of advanced penetration testing skills: the ability to identify hard-to-find vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in various operating systems.

Information Security Management System

ISO 27001 Lead Auditors and Lead Implementers possess an understanding of enterprise information security risk management.

InfoSec Registered Assessors Program

The program, run by the Australian Signals Directorate, that assesses ICT environment for processing and storing classified data. Security Centric has multiple assessors to satisfy resource demands.

Security Cleared Personnel

Consultants and engineers maintain SECRET or TOP SECRET security clearances. This means those personnel discovering vulnerabilities in your systems are properly vetted.

Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor

Audit and certify environment processing and storing credit card transactions.

Book a free consultation with our experts!

Speak to our team today to book your next penetration test, or discuss what you require with our qualified experts.

Benefits of Our Penetration Testing

With the potential of a cyber threat always looming, Security Centric will ensure our penetration testing provides you with the best clarity and advice on keeping your systems safeguarded. 

Expose Vulnerabilities

Our team will explore existing and potential weaknesses in your apps, network & systems. We achieve this through attacking your system from multiple possible angles to uncover any gaps and report them to you.

Highly Qualified & Certified Team

Every penetration test conducted for our clients are handled by our in-house team of certified experts.  Each one of us carry years of experience in testing and advising clients on how to improve the security of their digital properties.

Bespoke Reporting To Improve Security

Where others may automate a Penetration Test to save time, we at Security Centric believe differently. We take a bespoke approach to every Penetration Test that sees us digging down to the core of your system and chaining everything together to uncover the vulnerabilities and the impact they will have.

Ensure Business Continuity

Our comprehensive Penetration Testing will enable you make the right security decisions to keep your apps, network and systems up to date 24/7 so you don't suffer from unexpected downtime.

Uphold & Maintain Compliance

Our Penetration Testing will help you stay up to date with the latest potential threats and trends while maintaining compliance for a range of cyber security standards including ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, NIST and more.

Maintain Trust with Your Clients

Our team will hunt for exploits and flaws in your apps, networks and systems to provide you with detailed reporting and remediation recommendations. This ensures your data and the data of your clients is safely secured to build trust with you and your partners.

The Ultimate Penetration Testing Checklist

Download our guide on the top 5 areas to focus on in your next penetration test.

Checklist mockup Cropped

Book a Free Consultation Today!

Fil in the form below to book in your next Penetration Testing, or reach out to discuss what you require.